Saturday, 6 December 2014

Executive Levels

Types of Orders

Type of Orders by Rashel Cornish

Here are the types under SHOP tab on your Workstation:
  • Regular Order (commissionable)
  • Party (Commissionable, Host Rewards)
  • Inventory (commissionable)
  • Personal  Discount and Product Credit Redemption (NO PRV, non-commissionable, for personal use only)
  • Promotional and Marketing Materials (non-commissionable)
I will also discuss BULK ORDERS which are found in your party screen at the right of the chosen party.
Regular Order – shows up as Retail on your Orders tab.  Still gives PRV. I very rarely ever need to use this type.
Party – gives credit to a party chosen at time of purchase.  The type I have used the most because I am usually ordering toward an open party for someone.
Inventory – PRV is given to you AT TIME OF PURCHASE.  This gives you inventory credits that can then be applied to a party by going under that Party (in Parties tab) and clicking to choose how many sheets sold under drop down menu.  At this time, there is no option to choose a heater or application kit sold through this.
Personal Discount and Product Credit Redemption – TWO USES:
  1. Personal Discount: If you only want to pay 30% off on product.  I personally NEVER use this option, because….you get NO PRV points (which are necessary for rank holding/promotion and trip points) and you can get that 30% back on your weekly commissions check (Friday).  Also, you only get paid bonus commissions (paid on 10th of each month) based on your PRV, so if you order this way, you would potentially lose that extra 3-10% discount. You can use B3G1 free with discount.
  2. Product Credit Redemption: Use this for redeeming those Fast Start rewards!!!
Promotional and Marketing Materials – These never count toward PRV and have nothing to do with commissions. Please Note: When ordering catalogs ALONE, shipping is free!   As consultants, we can EARN marketing material credits by the amount of PRV we have at the end of any given month as follows:
PRV                                   Marketing Materials Credit Given
under 600                                               $0
600 – 699                                                $25
700-799                                                  $30
800-899                                                  $35
900-999                                                  $40
1,000+                                                    $50
**These CANNOT be used for any marketing item that starts with PM, only those that start with MM.
Bulk Orders – Must be shipped to one address to pay shipping together.  These are AWESOME for using multiple credit cards on one order as long as the customers know it will be shipped to one address.  You can even use a bulk order to be able to split a B3G1 and you can add as many bulk orders to a party as you wish.  If you have ladies that are not local to each other, they can still have wraps sent to ONE address and then sent in regular envelopes to the individuals at a huge savings in shipping (also note: if your bulk order is over $150 the shipping would be FREE). **Have your hostess organize this to get more rewards for her party–if she cannot, you can have order shipped to you or one of the customers who wants in on the free shipping and is willing to divvy up the wraps once they are received!