What is PRV: PRV is your personal retail volume. For Canadian consultants, your PRV is calculated according the the US price of the items you sell. Example, if you sell $715 in product, your PRV will only be $629.
The commision percentages that you are paid vary according to your PRV for the month. Your commission percentage increases the higher you PRV is for that month.
Fast Start Rewards.
Career Title: Your career title versus your paid as title. Your career title does not change from month to month, however, your paid as title changes monthly.
CV: CV stands for commisionable volume. This term is only important if you have another consultant signed up under you. CV is calculated by taking your downline's PRV and multiplying it by 65%. CV is used to calculate your "Level Override".
Level Override: This only applies if you have a consultant signed up under you. Level Override refers to the money you will be paid based on the sales of your download. Your level override percentage is dependent on several factors. In a nutshell your level override depends on what title you get "paid at" for that month. The level you get paid at changes from month to month based on your own PRV, how many active legs you have, your team retail volume (TRV)
Active Leg: An active leg is someone who has signed up as a consultant somewhere under you. To be active each month they must sell $200 PRV. Only one person in that leg needs to be active in order for the leg to be active. ie. if someone downline from your immediate downline is "active", that leg is considered to be an active leg.
TRV: Team retail volume.
How do I get paid? You need to set up a Propay account.
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